Eight ways to live a more joyful life. To learn how to open to living life rather the alternative and treating life as though we are wearing gloves…not quite touching it, feeling it or experiencing it fully. An open heart will be brighter, more felt in so many ways. Touch the world with all your senses.

  • Smile. regretThey’re contagious. Smile at strangers, flirt with possibilities, take risks and make eye contact, connect in a moment, share an experience.
  • Learn to OK with who you are. We all judge ourselves because we are really the only ones who know the truth. Whether  we really did give it our best shot or put in all of our effort. Did we tell the whole truth or sneak that extra biscuit. Be OK with who you are…. for your imperfections are what make you human. Perfection isn’t sexy….the fat bit on your bum…maybe someone else sees it as a sexy curve! We can never know how others see us just as they can never really know how we see ourselves.
    never say anything about yourself that you do not want to come true
    never say anything about yourself that you do not want to come true

    One thing we can learn is to see ourselves as though through the eyes of our best friend… with forgiveness and love. Learn to love yourself and to forgive yourself that which you consider imperfection.It won’t matter as much if someone else judges you harshly, makes a negative comment or tells you that you did something wrong as being OK with who you are opens you to learning, to acceptance and to forgiveness in a way that negative self talk and insecurity never can.

  • Practice being vulnerable. vulnerableEvery day remember to live in your body not just your mind. To listen to your gut instinct (& this includes not muffling it with too much processed unhealthy food!), opening your heart (but removing the negative people from your life who may take advantage of you) and being spontaneous & sometimes choosing excitement over practicality.
  • Be authentic. Be who you are. Be open to being yourself and notice that you’re attracting other good authentic people into your world. Open yourself to vulnerability and you’re opening yourself to joy, to love and to contentment in who you are.
  • Find joy. Find joy in the small things as often they are the big things.
  • Don’t get so busy making a living you forget to make a life. Maybe book a yoga retreat and truly make more time for you.Do yoga. Connect to yourself daily.
  •  Don’t neglect your yoga time for practicality like ironing. The benefits of yoga will last so much longer and effect more parts of your life.. Maybe wake up earlier or schedule in a break through the day. love from top to toesPersonally mine happens immediately on waking or just before bed! Then sometimes in the day too. Make your mat your lover….spend quality time wherever possible connecting, exploring physically and emotionally. Sweat and relax together. Allow yourself to be together without guilt knowing that time spent together will improve so many other parts of your life. Find a local yoga class that suits you or book some individual yoga sessions to learn to develop your own practice.
  • And again smile, be vulnerable, meditate
    happiness and yoga
    happiness is good for your health

    And repeat as often as possible.

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