Cleaning up mind and body are in many ways the principles of a yoga practice.25151707-window-cleaner-using-a-squeegee-to-wash-a-windowWe are told through Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra that the tapas (discipline) of regular practice will allow us to clear our perception of the world, feel easier with our physicality, reduce klesha and bad habits/ negative tendencies and have a more spacious mind, heart and life. Tapas literally provides the heat that ‘cooks’ or changes us. So why doesn’t everyone practice yoga?
 Well if they did the world would be a nicer, easier, more peaceful place.

However firstly there are often misconceptions to overcome. dance with lifeThe idea maybe that you’re  ‘not flexible enough to do yoga’!! That’s as silly as thinking you need to be clean to have a bath! The flexibility of mind, body and breath are a result of practice not a pre requisite. In my opinion those who are naturally flexible often lose something of the joy of progression..Their bodies easily flowing gracefully into a forward bend means they may forget to notice or appreciate the journey.25777387-body-mind-soul-spirit-word-cloud-concept-with-great-terms-such-as-harmony-life-sleep-fit-and-more It is often those things we work toward that we savour the most. Secondly time…people say they haven’t enough time. These same people do however often find time to watch television…if there’s time for television there’s time for yoga practice. Yoga will have more long lasting pleasurable effect than any TV programme. Plus some television, like watching the news, is actually linked to more negative mood so why do something that may impact you negatively when you can choose to make time fro more positive mental and physical well being. Maybe not to get to a taught class but to explore a few minutes of physical practice and/or sitting in meditation.8510497-grey-stones-steps-upon-the-ocean-going-to-a-beautiful-rainbow Thirdly there’s the thought that maybe yoga isn’t ‘your bag’! Well I am assuming as you’re reading my newsletter that doesn’t apply to you but just in case it does then know there’s as many different forms/ styles/ traditions of yoga practice as there are takeaway food options on the high street. In the same way there is something to suit everyone’s taste and therefore it is merely a case of exploring, discovering a teacher and/or a style you enjoy then making the promise to yourself to stick at it. 15442398-peace-concept--water-drop

Cleaning up what you ingest from the world is also very important to how you feel. The people you have in your life should provide positive interaction rather than draining your energies. We all have difficult times and challenges to face but the dramas and chaos of those people that act as ‘psychic vampires’ are not good for you. Restrict your time with those types of people and note how much better you feel. Read this and focus on the mirror of yoga.

Optimise your food intake and eat clean. 15667114-shot-of-an-open-fridge-with-healthy-food-productsNon processed clean food will provide your physical body with energy and your mind with clarity. Poor food choices of artificial, over processed, manufactured, chemical laden foods will result in weight gain, a heavy sluggish mind, laziness and dis ease. Eating clean is like living clean, a choice that only seems hard until you live it. The results of a lighter leaner body and a quieter clearer mind will motivate and encourage you to continue to clean up your life Watch this for more motivation to eat clean. As was simply put… Eat Food, Not much, Mainly plants!!

For that is something you will notice…the more parts of your life you clean up the more you will be aware of the progress to be made in other areas. As you practice yoga, maybe doing a body scan and noticing the parts of your body which feel stuck or heavy will help you realise where you need to work. Maybe your tight gunky hips encourage you to clear your emotional baggage,vulnerable maybe a heavy or uncomfortable gut encourage you to examine food choices. Maybe tight shoulders or constant headaches allow you to notice the stress levels that need reducing and the recurring thoughts that need to be less jumbled. Allow your yoga practice to inform, direct, cleanse and detoxify. Allow those moments on your mat to open your mind and body to being clearer, lighter and cleaner. Learn how good it feels to be at ease not suffering from dis ease.

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